Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

Baby Swordfish

This is a juvenile swordfish. It’s hard to believe, but that small fish can grow to be over 1000 pounds! Billfish of this kind include sailfish, sawfish, swordfish, and marlin. The most giant marlin ever seen on rod and reel weighed 1,560 pounds and was 14 feet, 6 inches in length. But there are stories of a longliner landing a marlin off the coast of Venezuela in 1976 that weighed over 4500 pounds. It was apparently so enormous that it had to be split into three pieces before being weighed. A replica may be seen near the Cultural Pavillion of the Republic’s marina entrance.

Baby Swordfish

Baby Swordfish


Newborn Flying Fox Clinging To Mother

Let us show you a newborn Indian flying fox sticking to her mother’s tummy. How rare is this scene? Since newborn Indian foxes can’t fly on their own for several months, they have to cling to their mother’s stomach in the meantime. If you’re wondering, there are more than 60 species of flying foxes across Asia, Australia, Africa, and various Pacific islands. The largest ones have 5.25-foot wingspans. These species are primarily vegetarian and can’t echolocate. They breed upside down, and colonies can be 200,000 thousand powerful.

Newborn Flying Fox Clinging To Mother

Newborn Flying Fox Clinging To Mother