The scene is set; you are on vacation to spend quality time with your friends and family. You have reached the location, getting comfortable in your room, and the next day will be when you step out to explore the country. When you are in England, there are multitudes of activities and places that you can go and participate in. We highly recommend adding castles to your itinerary for those planning to visit British governments. If someone is to count, there will be more than 4,000 castles spread across the country. Many of these castles enhance the beauty of England’s coastline and the countryside. Most of these castles were built a few hundred years ago, and visiting them will enrich your history knowledge to a reasonable extent. These castles will provide you with the opportunity to witness wars and invasions. Also, many of these castles were home to the members of royal families. Visiting them will also give you an idea of their then lifestyle. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 castles you must not miss in case you are visiting the country. Now, without any further adieu, let’s dive into the blog.

Exploring England’s Top 5 Castles You Must Visit
Windsor Castle
You must have heard of the name in numerous places. It is one of the most prominent castles in England. Not only is it a giant castle, but its popularity is also connected to the fact that it’s the queen’s home. The castle dates back over 900 years as it was built by William The Conqueror post-Norman invasion. Among various other things, the court has one of the most eloquent architectural marvels, i.e., the grand ballroom. Along with it, numerous paintings in the castle are now purely priceless.
Tower Of London
This one was also built by the same ruler, William The Conqueror, all the way back in 1066 AD, and as of now, it is considered one of the most significant castles in British history. This Norman castle got its name from the White Tower constructed in the southern part of the property. Though it has been home to several monarchs, the court is known for a different purpose, i.e., it was used as a jail for numerous centuries.
Bamburgh Castle
The castle is located on the coast of the North Sea, and among all the ones we are listing here, Bamburgh castle is the one that can be seen as the most beautiful. The castle is also known for its location, built on an archaeological site. Bamburgh castle was used as an outpost for the English armed forces.
Walmer Castle
The castle acts as a guard on the Kentish castle, built in the Tudor era. It was made in 1529 by Henry Ⅷ, and it has gone through multiple wars and sieges in English history. It is also the most beautiful castle in the country, all thanks to the sea view and loads of gardens within the castle walls.

Walmer Castle
Arundel Castle
Located in West Sussex, the castle’s foundation was laid back in 1067. The court has several commissioned furniture pieces given mainly to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. It was the first equipped with central heating and electricity among all the courts around the country. The garden of Arundel Castle is a perfect spot to visit when it has blooming red roses in summer.