Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

World’s Largest Eagle

You’re staring at the world’s most enormous eagle, the harpy eagle. And man, they’re really huge! Believe it or not, they have a wingspan of up to six and a half feet and may be found all throughout South America. So when they are out for a hunt up in the sky, you can see a plane due to its similarity in size. They are among Amazon’s most powerful raptors. They love to take on and eat huge animals like monkeys, sloths, and even deer! We’re just relieved that the harpy eagle in the photo is tied up or else, the man sitting beside him would be next for lunch.

Worlds Largest Eagle

Worlds Largest Eagle


Humpback Whale Opening Its Mouth

Did you know that Humpback whales are called baleen whales because they have bristly plates instead of teeth? Baleen plates are used to screen and capture the whale’s prey. Humpback whales feed primarily on krill and tiny fish. In reality, their name is derived from the baleen plates used to strain ocean water to catch food. These creatures have powerful tail flukes and can hear and communicate with one another when submerged. They consume around 3,000 pounds (1,360 kilos) of food every day.

Humpback Whale Opening Its Mouth

Humpback Whale Opening Its Mouth