Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

Tippi Hedren’s Tiger

Dakota Johnson is a well-known actress that you may have heard of. This picture shows her granny, Tippi Hedren, with one of her numerous tigers. She had over 60 lions and tigers at one time. She is said to have 13 or 14 lions and tigers living with her at the moment. She’s 91 years old right now! Can you imagine if you live with wild animals roaming around your house? Could be scary! However, if tigers and lions were trained first, living with them will never be a problem at all.

Tippi Hedrens Tiger

Tippi Hedrens Tiger


Icy Seal Whiskers

This is significantly more than the amount of material that cats and rats can carry in their whiskers. One thousand and five hundred nerve endings are found in each of a seal’s whiskers. They are capable of locating and capturing fish even when they are unable to see the fish in the first place. Certain scientists think that their whiskers may be able to aid them in accurately identifying the size of a herring to within a centimeter of its genuine size in some cases.

Icy Seal Whiskers

Icy Seal Whiskers