Hanging Microwaves
We might come off as a bit classist with this one, seeing as many people’s kitchens are too small to place their microwaves in a better spot, but hanging microwaves are objectively a poor taste option. Once you get that promotion and manage to buy a bigger place, however, you will realize how ugly that over-the-range microwave looked. This look is not just tacky, it is also dangerous, as the shelf holding your microwave can deteriorate and break and at best become filthy and greasy.

Hanging Microwaves
The Barnhouse Effect
Rustic touches are a lovely way to take you away from the hustle and bustle of the city. But some people take the country look way too far when they get sliding barn doors installed. They will then have extra shelves installed to hold useless milk pitchers and other farm trinkets and swap out their perfectly useful modern utensils for historical ones. We understand that you have always dreamed of owning a farm, but we need to keep our kitchens functional, people!

The Barnhouse Effect