Loud Labels
You really do not ever need to put enormous labels and signs all over your kitchen, unless you are hosting people that were raised in the wilderness or are trying to teach your toddlers what everything is. This might seem like an ironic bit of decorating fun, seeing as most adults know what makes up a kitchen quite well, it is a gaudy way to make your guests (and family members) feel like they have stepped into a gulag.

Loud Labels
Beer Bottle Collectors
We get it, you love beer! Beer bottles are the kind of beverage that should be concealed, and advertising your love of the glutenous drink is a big no-no, even if they remind you of your trip to Germany. No one really cares about your passion for craft beer and you might inadvertently end up giving your guests the wrong impression. Keep your kitchen as tasteful as your affinity for quality craft beer and keep the bottles in the fridge or recycling bin.

Beer Bottle Collectors