Gaudy Chandeliers
Some people cannot be blamed for having eccentric or over-the-top chandeliers in their homes that they have just moved into. Then there are those that will go out of their way to purchase some enormous and tacky fixture. Gaudy chandeliers will take much attention away from your home’s more respectable features for all the wrong reasons. They will also need to be dusted and sometimes properly cleaned, which is a real hassle. Chandeliers should be left in the past.

Gaudy Chandeliers
Fluorescent Lighting
There are sadly so many people out there that feel that they have no other choice but to get fluorescent lighting in their kitchen. There are so many problems with these fixtures. Their light is harsh and unappealing and makes one feel like they are in a grubby hospital or police station. They will also begin to flicker irritably when they begin running out of juice. There are many affordable alternatives to fluorescent lighting, trust us.

Fluorescent Lighting