Sliding Barn Doors
The rustic or country look is something that creeps in and out of design trends every now and then. While we appreciate some rural touches in a home, and love to make them feel as natural and refreshing as possible, barn doors just shouldn’t be a thing unless you are keeping animals in your home. They are large, heavy, and cumbersome, and not to mention very ugly. There are so many beautiful sliding doors that you can get fitted instead.

Sliding Barn Doors
Linoleum Flooring
We now reach one of the ugliest kitchen features imaginable: linoleum flooring. Now, we understand that many people just want to have a simple and easy-to-clean kitchen, but linoleum flooring is just so hideous. Contrary to some opinions, linoleum will actually wear out much faster than other sturdier flooring types and it will also begin to fester with all manner of bacteria and nastiness. Although it is less toxic than vinyl, it is still plastic, and you can never be too sure how safe it is.

Linoleum Flooring