Taking A Closer Look
Although everybody was happy to have a full view of the hive now, it wasn’t long before David made a startling discovery. While removing the last few bricks, he noticed that the pesticide had reached a part of the hive, killing some of the bees instantly.

Taking A Closer Look
Astonishingly, beeswax had protected a majority of the hive. The defensive skills of a beehive are akin to military defense in a war, and this queen was not about to let her beautiful colony suffer at the first sight of danger. This did come at some cost, however.
The Queen Didn’t Make It
Even though she did what she could to protect the hive from the exterminators, the queen was, unfortunately, one of the casualties from the pesticide. As she manages the hive, and keeps an eye on how the bees reproduce, this now posed a bigger issue for David.

The Queen Didnt Make It
The hive was now in more danger than it had ever been. David had to get a plan together and start thinking about how he could integrate this queenless hive into a new one, where they could hopefully continue to flourish in the way they had been before theirs had been killed.