Seeing The Bees Up Close
If they needed more of a confirmation that their problem had been caused by bees, the family had all the answers they needed when a few bees started entering and exiting the new hold in the wall. They were relieved that it hadn’t been anything supernatural after all.

Seeing The Bees Up Close
In a matter of minutes, the hole started to fill with bees. This led David to deduce that the hive must be thousands of bee strong. He knew that it was going to be a delicate extraction, but could have never imagined the challenge that awaited him that day.
Disturbing The Bees
The bees were well aware that something odd was happening, and they started to swarm around David and the hold in the wall. The sheer number of bees showed him that this was not going to be a simple process in any way.

Disturbing The Bees
It soon became clear that David would need to work carefully, and as cautiously as possible. Even if it took hours, his main priority was to ensure that the bees were not hurt along the way. His plan was to do so one brick at a time, and to see where the process led him.