Brick By Brick
Brick houses were notoriously hard for beekeepers to deal with, and not only because it is notoriously difficult to break it down once the cement has dried. David’s primary worry was that the process would harm the hives, and possibly even kill the queen. This would greatly agitate all the bees.

Brick By Brick
As he set out to start the process, David wondered whether he was perhaps biting off more than he could chew. He wanted a positive outcome for the family, but also didn’t want to risk destroying a hive that had likely been there for years.
Peeking Inside
Although it took a while, David was able to get the first brick out, in order to peek inside the structure to see what he was dealing with. He noticed right away that there was next to no space to maneuver the hive. Right off the bat, this was a major concern.

Peeking Inside
To his astonishment, the entire hive seemed to be in good health and fairly normal. This was a relief, as pesticides had been sprayed in the house just a short while earlier. Taking a deep breath to compose himself, he continued to work, now with an extra spring in his step.