A Loud Droning Noise
When describing the sound, the family mentioned to David that it was quite like a booming “droning” of sorts. He noted that this was what a bee hive sounded like, so he encouraged the family to keep their distance in case there were thousands of bees on their property.

A Loud Droning Noise
Naturally, the family feared that a hive would be causing major damage to the structural foundations of the house. This was a common problem and query that David faced in his work, but he assured them he would do what he could to avoid any major damages.
Coming Over For The Inspection
The beekeeper could tell that the family was apprehensive, and from what he was told, he realized that the problem had been plaguing them for quite some time. He cleared his schedule and headed their way as soon as he could.

Coming Over For The Inspection
David didn’t waste any time in packing the tools he would need, already assuming that the sound was coming from a beehive inside the walls of the house. He wanted to ensure his own safety, as well as the people in the neighborhood, in case this was true.