Trying What The Community Has To Offer
At first sight, you might assume there’s something scary happening with this random picture. And besides, we don’t come to an encounter with a huge bear napping comfortably, much more on a place like this. Bear sightings in regular communities have been rising in numbers for the past few decades and for an obvious reason. Looking at the bears though, we already know that despite having clunky bodies they have the balance of a ballerina. People should get accustomed to these sightings especially since communities are continuing to take over the natural habitat of these creatures so it seems only fair for them to take over ours.

Trying What The Community Has To Offer
Dangling On For Dear Life
Resting in this posture would create back pain like no other in most humans and wildlife, therefore we can just guess that this snoozing cat goes to plenty of yoga lessons. He’s so peaceful and sleeping peacefully that he seems to not realize that he’s sliding from underneath his violet blanket and falling directly towards his skull. That’ll certainly be a nasty wakeup! For the sake of his safety, regardless of how comfortable he is at that position, do him a favor and wake him up so that he could reposition himself a bit better.

Dangling On For Dear Life