Sleeping At The Edge
It looks that this fox relishes sleeping on the dangerous side of things edge. This fox crawled up the dangerous edge of a home to its 2nd level balcony rather than sleeping someplace “safe” or “regular” (like a vehicle hood, hehe). Most animals don’t have that fear of heights and this creature is just flexing that reality on us right here. the occupant of this home was clever in taking a photo of this event because then they could brag about it the next time they go out for a beer. honestly, not too many of us are probably not scared for the critter since we know how light these critters are on their feet so this stunt is no problem for it whatsoever.

Sleeping At The Edge
After Working Hard, Sleep Hard.
Please proceed; there is nothing interesting to view anymore. It’s really just a common horse sleeping on a pile of rubber tires This seems rather a particularly awful circumstance. This fine horse has probably been working hard on this farm or ranch that it didn’t even have the energy left to find a proper place to sleep in. What most people wouldn’t even notice is that this scene is basically an anomaly since horses don’t usually lie down when they sleep. It’s common knowledge for those who have experience working on farms and ranches that horses sleep standing up.

After Working Hard Sleep Hard