Make Your Life Easier With These Unique Home Repair Hacks

Published on 12/29/2020

35. Swift Drill Into Tiles

Drilling has never been an easy task, especially when doing it on your slippery bathroom tiles. Drilling is all about the grip and if you lose it you may find yourself with a bigger problem that may need more costly work. Here is a tip to make this job easier in the future. Using a bit of masking tape, stick it on the intended drilling spot to cover the slippery tile. You will be amazed at how smooth your drilling goes compared to not using masking tape. However, when drilling in ceramics it is crucial you have the right drill head and screw to avoid breakages as it is a very delicate material to drill.

Swift Drill Into Tiles

Swift Drill Into Tiles


36. Rust Circles Prevention

Every household has some kind of metal in the bathroom, whether it be the towel rack, shower head, even deodorant sprays. Generally, most metal items come with humidity and moisture issues. Over a period of time, these items leave rust on the surface to which they connect. Yes, there is a no-hassle solution to the situation. Remember the clear nail polish from earlier, it is yet again a remedy here, by simply coating these items with some of it.

Rust Circles Prevention

Rust Circles Prevention