Do The Right Thing
Tracy was at her wit’s end. Not only had Gina ruined her dress, which might never be the same, and had refused to pay for the damages, but now she was giving patronizing advice. Gina was of the mind that had Tracy purchased a more modest piece that she would not have struggled to put it on in the first place. If Gina actually believed what she was saying, then there were far saner ways to teach a lesson. Breaking someone else’s property is not the best way to make a point. Tracy knew that it was time for action.

Do The Right Thing
Forum Following
Tracy felt like she had reached a dead end, and knew that she would need anonymous help from the good people over at Reddit. Tracy had fantasized about pressing charges against the older woman, but the Redditors and Rick managed to convince her not to go ahead with such a dramatic plan so close to the big day. So, what would Reddit have to say about the whole situation, and would they be able to guide Tracy to a happy resolution?

Forum Following