Tracy knew that Gina was an unpredictable and cruel person that seemed to have been born without the ability to appreciate other people’s feelings and needs, but this act was purely psychotic. Tracy was not going to let this attack slide, and would hold Gina accountable. This was not how people that were about to become family treated each other. But would Gina feel any kind of guilt or responsibility toward her future daughter-in-law, perhaps even for the first time?

Making Sense Of It All
But beyond her rage and sadness, Gina also was desperate to know why Gina thought that putting the dress on was a good idea. According to the older woman, she believed that if the dress were to fit her, that it would undoubtedly work for Tracy’s body. Instead of apologizing, Gina had added insult to injury by body-shaming her once more. Tracy could not believe that this monster was kicking her when she was down.

Making Sense Of It All