Train Wreck
Gina could not see Tracy and Rick establishing a happy and intelligent family life at this rate, and was ashamed that her family line was being squandered in this way. Tracy would offer some rebuttals, saying that the “townhouse” that they had purchased had actually gone for a very adorable rate. But her words fell on deaf ears, as Gina was sure that her son was unable to cut such deals. The couple had only just begun the shakedown, as Gina was only warming up.

Train Wreck
Tipping The Scale
It seemed like Gina could not be calmed as she moved from topic to topic, unleashing a full laundry list of complaints on the couple. While the situation was getting out of hand, Tracy could never have expected what Gina was about to say as she looked the younger woman up and down. She paused before commenting that she would not fit into that expensive dress very attractively at her current weight and that she would need to begin exercising and dieting intensely.

Tipping The Scale