We’ve Got The Most Insane Break Up Messages You’ve Ever Seen

Published on 01/28/2022

Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?

As we’ve said before, to be in a working relationship, you have to be on the same wavelength. That’s certainly not what happened here and well, just look at how that turned out. One wanted to get married and the other wanted to get out of dodge. Perhaps it’s best to have conversations like this in person. Texting is cool and all but it can be a little bit difficult to feel out the “vibe”.

Are You Thinking What Im Thinking

Are You Thinking What Im Thinking


Scavenger Dump

You’ve probably heard of a scavenger hunt, but have you ever heard of a scavenger dump? That’s what happened here. The woman involved found out her boyfriend was cheating, but instead of breaking some of his stuff, she hid it in places from their relationship’s history. To reclaim his lost possessions he’d have to think back. Should be no problem if he was invested, and if he wasn’t, well, he certainly got what he deserved.

Scavenger Dump

Scavenger Dump