We’ve Got The Most Insane Break Up Messages You’ve Ever Seen

Published on 01/28/2022

Spooky Note

Okay, this one is a little creepy. We want to say that it’s just the person exaggerating, but something about the handwriting and child-like drawing is just… unnerving. Valerie must have done something really bad to draw a reaction like this. Still, we hope she’s okay, and that she understands she dodged a bullet here, or rather a blade. We’re not sure what would be scary, this letter coming after some warning signs or none.

Spooky Note

Spooky Note



We don’t think anyone saw this coming, not even Janet. Whoever “ZF” they certainly have a sense of humor, and were most certainly over Janet. Why else would they break up in such a “cartoonish” manner? “ZF” may have been confused, but they did a good job of making sure Janet was too, with this zany breakup cartoon. At least this drawing wasn’t one of Janet minus her head. We’ll take a silly breakup thanks.

