We’ve Got The Most Insane Break Up Messages You’ve Ever Seen

Published on 01/28/2022


This one brings new meaning to “bitter breakup”. However, few things are as good as coffee, so this person had their work cut out for them. We appreciate the quality of this breakup. It’s not exactly mean, it’s just straight to the point, and obviously took a little while to put together, so you know the person wasn’t being rash. If you’re contemplating a break up, this is most definitely a good kind of creativity.




Keying Out

The dumper in this case seems as if they were just totally over it. In order to “spell out” that it’s over, they ripped apart the dumpee’s keyboard to let them know they hate them and then left the house key and their wedding ring to punctuate the point. Now we get it, this person probably deserved it, but did they have to involve the keyboard?! That’s our bread and butter after all! For shame!

Keying Out

Keying Out