The Ultimate Excitement
Caroline was super excited, but not too excited to miss a chance to Snapchat the moment. She took a photo of the box that Steven had sent her and uploaded it with a caption explaining that she couldn’t wait to open it up. Steven probably wouldn’t see it immediately, but she needed to document it. She fetched a knife from the kitchen draw and began happily slashing through the packaging. It was almost the moment.

The Ultimate Excitement
Where Was It?
Caroline began digging through the big box. For the most part, it was just filled with packing beans. In fact, at first look, it appeared that that was all that was in the box. Was this some kind of joke? Caroline kept searching through the package, but the longer she did, the more she began to doubt there was anything there. Eventually, however, she found it… most definitely was not what she had in mind.

Where Was It