If you look at any country’s economic structure, there is one thing that will be pretty prominent. The country’s public transportation system will remain directly in sync with the economic growth. When we say a sound transportation system, it translates to its good availability in urban locations and remote and rural areas. The pandemic has a significant effect, but as the world is recovering, we are also witnessing the public transportation system getting back on track. The pollution numbers are ever-growing, and as we are moving ahead towards the future, it becomes our duty to find sustainable means of conveyance. The future holds quite a lot, and as we are already seeing, most cities have already shifted to electricity from combustion. Various reports suggest a highly positive impact on our environment. Not just the public transport but the personal vehicle industry is also gradually shifting to the electric mode. Certain existing automobile brands have already launched their 1st and 2nd gen of electric vehicles. In this blog, we will discuss a few trends that are evident in terms of future transportation.

Public Transport In Future Top 5 Trends
Maglev Trains
You must have heard of the term magnetic levitation. It’s a technology already in use by China in a number of its trains. The train doesn’t touch the track, and it hovers 4” above it. Electrically powered magnets are put in place, and there is also no compromise seen in terms of comfort and ride quality. The top speed these trains can go up to is 375 miles per hour, and it’s speculated that this technology will be more common by 2030.
Satellite-Powered ATC
The air-traffic control that we have today is ground-based, and the technology behind it has an ancient history. It dates all the way back to the 1960s. Once shifted to the satellite-based, the system will become much more efficient, and the shift will be complete by 2025. The technology is currently being developed in the States. The GPS-based ATC will work on shortening the routes, and it eventually will help in saving fuels.
Use Of Hydrogen
If we are focusing on a more sustainable environment, we will eventually adapt to hydrogen. It is available in abundance, and the most exciting fact about this gas is that it’s completely free from all types of pollution. However, the shift isn’t effortless as there are various issues related to this energy type in terms of using it as a fuel. The primary aspect of the problem is that the gas available in the atmosphere needs to be put through heavy processing before being able to be utilized.
Solar Panel Roads
The electric vehicles that are launched come with traditional charging mechanisms, and the system are going to shift to a much more innovative way. In the Netherlands, there is a successful track where the electric bus running on it will get charged while running on the road. It contains a solar panel mechanism that will set the vehicle wirelessly. The solar charging system is getting better daily thanks to innovations and efficient ideas being introduced after years of research.

Solar Panel Roads
Bicycle Service
Among various cities, the bicycle service has been operational for a long time. All you need to do is pay a small amount, and you get to use the bicycle from one spot to another. Once adopted in more cities, it will help us significantly fetch down our carbon footprint. The impact will further expand to an individual’s health as cycling will allow an excellent physical workout.