Moving On To Another Level
When he took a step back and looked at his new reality, Bruce knew it was the right decision that he had made. After sleeping in it for a night, the ideas kept flowing in about what he needed to do to get the perfect result. In an interview with Business Insider, Bruce noted the moment he entered, his true goal of what he wanted to happen came flooding his mind. From the seating and other areas, we could only imagine what the living space would look like.

Moving On To Another Level
A Surprise
Before we got a grand tour of what Bruce Campbell now calls home, he did a thorough cleaning of the aircraft’s outer area. The process included a high-pressure wash and lasted around four days, indicating how dirty it really was. While with a Daily Mail representative, Bruce noted what the cleaning process was like and what minor technicalities were involved for people to see the luxury home’s true reflection.

A Surprise