A Welcoming Feeling
Moving around the airplane castle will give you a sense of comfort and awe. Furthermore, wearing a slipper or socks on the glass and wood flooring leaves your feet feeling comfortable and relaxed. Bruce admires his floor and desires for it to be respected at all levels. The procedures for moving around give Bruce the motivation to do much more in developing other areas of his home or even changing some aspects he may not be too pleased with.

A Welcoming Feeling
It’s What He Wants
The jetliner has a lot of space, and that is exactly what Campbell wants. It’s the perfect way for him to live a humble life, and when you take a tour around, you will see how much he respects that. The former electrical engineer lives his life so plain that his diet mainly consists of canned food and cereal. A toaster and microwave are his way of preparing his daily meals, and he is perfectly fine with that choice. However, he does have his various gadgets around for his personal use.

Its What He Wants