Everything Was Considered
Bruse did not leave any aspect of the Boeing 727 unnoticed as he ensured everything was taken into consideration. Every nook and cranny was touched, and some level of reconstruction was done to it. For example, there is a shoe rack at the home entrance featuring pairs of slippers required for persons to wear on the inside. Bruce has noted that whoever is coming over for a visit should wear either a pair of the slippers or go sock-only. After all, cleaning such a diverse setting can be a bit complicated.

Everything Was Considered
The One Rule
Campbell was able to catch on to the drift that if he is not careful, the glass and wooden floor could become really filthy in a short time. So, he has made the ultimate rule that requires everyone entering to wear a slipper he provides or socks. Campbell lives alone, but that does not mean he should let his home go without being sparkling clean. He feels the need to have it remained spotless, and we don’t blame him.

The One Rule