Mesmerizing Drone Photos That Will Blow Your Mind

Published on 04/14/2021

Drones have been around for longer than most of us think! The first modern drone was developed in 1935, but that’s too much history for us to get into now. The concept of the drone has come a long way too and modern technology has proved that gadgets make our lives much easier and way more interesting, with these drones buzzing overhead, we now have eyes in the sky that allow us to see things that we would barely see in our dizziest daydreams! Drones are being used in many different industries to do various different jobs. The amazing flying objects will undoubtedly be integrated into our daily lives for home and commercial use but it does come with a hefty price tag. The future sees drones in the industries of the world from law enforcement rights to healthcare. Drones are predicted to soon be doing everyday tasks like fertilizing and watering crops, monitoring traffic as well as delivering pizzas. For now, though, drones are most commonly being used in the photography industry taking amazing aerial view pictures that would be impossible for us measly humans to capture ourselves. Some of these images leave a lot to our imaginations, bringing to us some intriguing footage that we may have never been able to see if not for our friendly drones.

A Huge Catch

We were all taught as kids to be wary of our surroundings but at the beach we tend to let loose and enjoy frolicking in the waves, building sandcastles, or just soaking up the rays! This drone image captured by Curtis Willams shows that you don’t really need to be in the deep blue sea to come across a shark. This hammerhead came rather close to a human encounter. Panama City Beach in Florida is a hugely popular tourist destination with thousands if not millions of people enjoying the beach. This image shows us that sharks can get a bit too close for comfort so if you are paranoid, I’d suggest unwinding on the beach as our friendly neighborhood shark might pop by to say hi!

A Huge Catch

A Huge Catch


The Giant Rabbit Hase

Hase is a giant pink rabbit sculpture that can be found in Piedmont, Italy. Hase was designed by a group of Viennese artists who had a vision that the giant rabbit would turn out to be a large entertainment area for people to climb, relax and play on. Hase is over 200 feet long and 200 feet thick, he’s made of soft waterproof materials and is stuffed with straw. Unfortunately for Hase, his predicted life span is quickly coming to an end. Hase was supposed to last until 2025 but by 2016 he was already decomposing and looking grey and dull. He also doesn’t seem to be very happy and what could have originally been a smile now looks like an ominous entrance to the underworld!

The Giant Rabbit Hase

The Giant Rabbit Hase