A Message From The Heavenly Realms
Kay was convinced that they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together, based on what she had discovered about their shared history. This was a message from the heavenly realms. At this stage in the argument, it is difficult to find anything wrong with whatever has been stated thus far. They were both too young to understand the importance of what they were about to discuss, which was another drawback to their meeting with one another.

A Message From The Heavenly Realms
Ed’s Mom Finally Recalls The Same Memory
After two weeks of being totally ignorant of Ed’s “girlfriend,” Fiona was introduced to her. Fiona had been completely unaware of Ed’s “girlfriend” until she received the photos from Kay. Fiona recalls that the two were often spotted holding hands, but her memory of this is hazy at best. Given the historical context and Fiona’s age at the time, this was not a surprise to anybody involved. Who knows what might have occurred to cause her memory to become jumbled.

Eds Mom Finally Recalls The Same Memory