Finally Exposing The Truth
These worries turned into obsessions and they started devoting their time and energy to find a solution. They went about it for two weeks before coming up with a clear response that would allow them to begin the study. In the morning when Kay woke up, she had a strong desire to clean up her storage unit; this was true since she would be storing wedding-related things there in the near future. The truth had been exposed from the beginning.

Finally Exposing The Truth
Exciting New Discovery In The Attic
Going through old things led to the discovery of a surprising new item. In order to acquire facts to support their suspicions and curiosities and, maybe, to answer the puzzle, both mothers seemed to be most successful at examining their memories. Kay had completely forgotten about an old picture book that she had tucked away in one of her storage boxes a while back. However, her courage finally prevailed, and she opened the box for the first time in years.

Exciting New Discovery In The Attic