Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

Bladerunner The Whale

Bladerunner is the name given to this whale. When she was injured by a propeller in Sydney in 2001, she was left with significant 30-centimeter wounds on her left flank and right tail fluke. She has since recovered. Researchers and vacationers were the latest to observe her in Tasmanian waters more than two decades after the tragedy. Humpback whales have an average lifespan of 45-50 years. Imagine going whale watching and seeing Bladerunner on the same trip.

Bladerunner The Whale

Bladerunner The Whale


Forrest Of Crooked Trees

In the Polish town of Gryfino, near the village of Gryfino, 400 curiously shaped pine trees are worth seeing. What is the reason behind their shape? There are several ideas, each of which is unsettling in its own way. There are a variety of theories ranging from strange gravitational pulls to catastrophic natural disasters to even being driven over by a German Panzer tank when they were children.

Forrest Of Crooked Trees

Forrest Of Crooked Trees