Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

Moose Survives And Recovers From Bear Attack

According to the woman who shot the images, the moose was observed near the woman’s home in Glen Alps, Alaska. According to reports from neighboring people, grizzly bears had attacked the animal, who informed her. According to Grenier, the sheriff, this moose was mauled by a bear near a neighbor’s house. After a while, the moose had vanished, and everyone assumed it had perished, but then it reappeared, this time in my neighbor’s yard.

Moose Survives And Recovers From Bear Attack

Moose Survives And Recovers From Bear Attack


Massive Tiger

Have you ever seen a tiger as enormous as this one? According to Guinness World Records, a confined male Siberian tiger called Jaipur holds the world record for being the most prominent tiger ever recorded. The tiger Jaipur measured 3.32 meters (10 feet 11 inches) in length from snout to tail tip and weighed 423 kg when it was nine years old in 1986. (932 lb).

Massive Tiger

Massive Tiger