Jarring Nature Photos

Published on 01/14/2022

Impala Survives Lion Attack

Consider the size of the paw that performed this feat. Impalas don’t have it easy in this world. The majority of impala calves are born during the middle of the day when most predators are sleeping. Half of all newborn babies die within the first few weeks of their lives. There is a widespread belief that they might cause a month-long delay in childbirth. According to one research, impalas can leap more than three times their height and are more likely to avoid predators if they slow down, bob, and weave.

Impala Survives Lion Attack

Impala Survives Lion Attack


Beluga Legs

What is it about this beluga whale that gives it the impression of having legs? Even though this widely circulated photograph has created a great deal of debate, researchers feel that these symmetrical, bone-like traits serve an essential role for belugas, who dwell in the harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic seas in their natural environment. It’s nothing more than a lump of blubber. A type of extra insulation, belugas store long “rails” of extra fatty insulation on their flanks, which operate as an extension of their primary insulation.

Beluga Legs

Beluga Legs