Baby Gorilla And Baby Chimp
Michael Poliza took this photograph of a baby gorilla and chimp playing together. Don’t they look cute together? However, it’s difficult to predict if they’ll stay friends when they become older because both are different, especially in behavior. It might depend on the gorilla since some are pretty territorial and violent. They are also significantly more extensive than chimps and are accustomed to roughhousing. The Easter gorilla is the world’s enormous living ape. A mature male eastern gorilla weighs 140–205.5 kg (309–453 lb) and measures 1.7 m (5.6 ft) tall.
Baby Alligator Snapping Turtle
This is a baby alligator in the shape of a dinosaur. We bet you haven’t seen anything like it before. Also, did you know that they have the potential to live up to 200 years and weigh more than 200 pounds? Research tells us that the world’s giant alligator snapping turtle weighing 249 pounds spent a long time in Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium. During the Great Depression, a massive 403-pounder was reported in Kansas, but the claim was never substantiated.