The Most Conspicuous Lounge Decor Which Should Never Have Existed, Ever…

Published on 11/01/2020

The one room in your house everyone who visits get to enjoy, your lounge. This space says so much about you. It can make or break your image, making family and friends or who ever visits, admire you and elevate your social standing or take your social listing down several knots – make an impression, the right impression! Well lets go through some no, no’s exposed here.

Shot Glass Parade

Oh really?! Are these from your drunken sailor days?! Not everybody’s cup of tea or shot I should say. Unless you going to walk the walk keep them out of sight – in other words if the shots are rolling bring them out, and only then! We all have our little secrets, keep this a secret.

Shot Glass Parade

Shot Glass Parade


Ditch The Loud Colors

Oh, you’re a bold one… You might like bold and bright colors, but painting your walls for such an intimate setting might be overwhelming. Maybe try a cushion or painting. Flowers are always a winner, especially the more natural-looking artificial flowers trending now.

Ditch The Loud Colors

Ditch The Loud Colors