Taking The Young One To A Stroll
It is a natural phenomenon that lionesses relocate their young ones after giving birth so that the scent of blood and the cry of new life do not attract predators who may damage or kill the cubs. In the case of this lioness, it does the same with this newfound child. As the lioness continues its stroll down the plains, the young one makes an unsuccessful attempt to wiggle free of its clutches. Unfortunately, it has a strong grip on the fawn, and the young fella eventually gives up. What can it do against those strong, powerful teeth? We are sorry, little friend, but you will be coming on this trip whether you want to or not.

Taking The Young One To A Stroll
Agonizing Journey
Around six weeks before they are mature enough to join the pride, a lioness would hide its cubs from the other lions. Those who are too young will be unable to keep up and may become disoriented. For our little deer, this trip appears to be difficult, which is unfortunate given the circumstances. When we see the fawn being dragged about by the lioness, we can’t imagine the misery he is going through. Unlike the fawn, the lioness appears to be going about its business as if this is just another ordinary day in the wild.

Agonizing Journey