Mason Jar Lights
Many people hopped on the mason jar light trend a few years ago. This was not only an affordable way to light up your kitchen, but it was also considered an edgy and rustic touch. While many hipsters’ homes will still have the mason jar light ambiance going strong, you do not want to fall into this group, trust us. Those that fit their kitchen lighting with recyclable items might have an incredible focus on sustainable living and environmental friendliness, but that does not mean that your kitchen must suffer in the process.

Mason Jar Lights
Wine Slogans Galore
Some people take wine a bit too seriously. We are talking about the people that will spend thousands of dollars on a fine vintage collection and a fancy cooler to keep their bottles in the ideal temperature. While there is nothing wrong with being an oenophile (no, this is not something dirty, but someone that loves wine), try not to advertise the fact with embarrassing paraphernalia. We’re talking about those signs that have silly slogans like ‘Wine a bit, you’ll feel better’.

Wine Slogans Galore