Open Shelving
The thing about open shelving is that people seem to believe that their bowls, plates, and glasses are amazing enough to warrant being on open display. We are sorry to say that very few people want to see this stuff. They would much prefer it if your crockery was safely stored in proper cupboards. One small bump could bring your entire collection crashing down with the domino effect. Please, make sure that you put all your kitchenware away soundly.

Open Shelving
Pot Racks
This is another open plan that we do not understand or appreciate. Some people were not satisfied with having all their plates and bowls on display. They had to take it a step further and put all their pots and pans out, too! Pot racks might be tasteful and even practical if you are serious about cooking and need to quickly grab items. But they will ultimately begin collecting dust and could easily become nuisances.

Pot Racks