For Just Under $1,500, This 13 Year Old Boy-Builder Constructs His Own House

Published on 01/13/2021

Let Go!

Most of us have things we rather don’t need, but we’re all in a habit of holding on to them. Renee even suggested to let go of the excess stuff we barely need. She mentioned that she gave away clothes that she doesn’t wear, and spends less time shopping as well. In her statement “I’m a simple girl, but a girl, nonetheless”, she confessed how hard it was to part with some of her clothing and shoes.

Let Go

Let Go


City Regulations

As appealing as tiny homes are, along with the concept of cutting down excess use of resources, the majority of city infrastructures prohibit them. The overall size of your home is an example of a restriction set by the city code, which requires homes to be larger than your average tiny home. However, we can expect these city codes to be adjusted in the near future to accommodate the eco-friendly living solution of tiny home constructions.

City Regulations

City Regulations