Wasting No Time
At that moment, the family knew that their next step was to reach out to a bee expert, who could inspect the house, and see if there was perhaps a hive within the foundation. It didn’t take long to find David Glover on Google, and they wasted no time to reach out to him that day.

Wasting No Time
The family was hopeful that if there were any bees inside the walls of their house, David was the man who would be able to extract them to a safer area. They feared that the pesticide might have harmed them, but first, they needed to be 100% sure that bees were the source of the problem.
The Power Of Bees
A lot of people might be tempted to call an exterminator if they find out that the foundation of their home has been compromised by an insect of any kind. When it comes to bees however, it’s important to be safe, but also to consider that they are a species vital to the survival of all others.

The Power Of Bees
The bee population of the world is facing serious reductions in their numbers, and without bees to pollinate plants, the entire natural food chain is compromised. Bees should always be rescued, even if they are located somewhere that might be an inconvenience to you and your loved ones.