The Correct Procedure
It’s not possibly to simply move bees from one hive to the next. There is a period of readjustment, where they assess whether the new space works for them. David had seen this countless times, and wondered whether this hive would adjust well to a new queen.

The Correct Procedure
Due to the sheer size of the hive, and the incredible story of the family trying to figure out if something supernatural was living in their home, the story soon went viral. David’s social media accounts grew, and everyday citizens learned more about why bees are so important to the world.
Experts Weigh In
Because the story was spreading so fast online, David had the benefit of receiving comments from other experts all over the world. This pool of knowledge would help him to make the best calculations and assessment possible to safely relocate the hive.

Experts Weigh In
Because the bees had been used to a very small space, David couldn’t just move them to a large hive. He decided to introduce vertical hives, which would mimic the experience they had in the walls of the family home. He was now going to formally become their beekeeper, especially while they tried to adjust to a new queen.