Call Everyone
Jose and his wife did call the police, but they couldn’t contain the excitement that came with the discovery. They started to tell everyone, and before long, there was news all over that an alien discovery was made. In no time, many people from the area started flooding the property in a bid to get a closer inspection of the item. Jose ran back to his home to get his dog to help with the finding of this amazing object.

Call Everyone
A Detective’s Best Companion
A dog is considered a detective’s best friend, so Jose knew what he was doing when he headed back to the house to get his dog. He hoped the dog could sniff up some useful information they could use to understand what this was all about. Before long, the dog conducted a successful mission and came tugging at something that caught their undivided attention. If you ever happen to come across a strange setting like this, you can trust a dog will help you unearth all the information you need. Due to their high sensitivity skills, a dog is the best companion a detective can ever have.

A Detectives Best Companion