This Man’s Feet Were On A Gold Mine Without Him Knowing

Published on 12/08/2020


Christopher could not handle anything else that could come his way. To experience so much madness in a single day was not in his mind and was clearly a weird moment in time. One of the terrors experienced throughout the day would have been enough to drive anyone into despair. He was now tired and really needed to get some rest, so as his head started to tilt…something else happened. As he was almost falling asleep, Christopher felt as though his legs were being dragged…could it be something was trying to pull him away?




Have To Get Out

Christopher sprang into the air, and before he could realize it, something had gripped his feet, and he fell back on the floor. This was just weird, and he quickly got himself off the floor and headed toward the front door in the fastest way he ever saw himself move. Christopher stared around at the dark environment around him for a short while before moving quickly through the garden to his car. He got in, and before he could even close the door, the engine was already rumbling and ready to go. He just needed somewhere in the real world where he could free his mind and get some peace.

Have To Get Out

Have To Get Out