A Threat
From how the things looked, it seemed as though the chains had hypnotized Christopher, but before long, he snapped out of it just in time to notice a heavy rush of water threatening to sweep him away. The water has a force that would be too powerful for him to withstand, so he knew he had to act without even thinking twice. If he stood where he was, the water would definitely wash him away into the unknown. So, with fast brain action, Christopher knew what he had to do if he needed to survive this incoming ordeal.

A Threat
Running Once Again
From past experiences, Christopher was no stranger to the whole running to save his life, so he made a quick turn and headed for the surface once more. As he was running, he could feel the gush of water heading fast at his heels, so he desperately tried to go a little faster. As he was running, Christopher couldn’t help but wonder what this strange experience was all about? Where did this strange flood of water come from? Why and how could it be heading uphill as if it was chasing him? There were again…more questions.

Running Once Again