While Christopher was busy documenting his little mission and taking as much record as possible, he heard a crashing sound behind him that threw him into a fright. Obviously, he wasn’t the only one in the deep cave. In a fast rage, he quickly started flashing his light all about in a bid to see if it was someone in the hole with him. However, all the flashing didn’t show anyone that could be in the same space. But, there was one metallic clunk that held his heart at a freeze.

Running To Safety
The metal sound started to get louder and louder by the second, and it sounded all too clear that it was heading in Christopher’s direction. He tried as hard as he could to get his light to bring some ease to his terror, but it wasn’t helping. The source of the clanging was unknown but still getting closer. In the midst of panic, Christopher turned his back to the potential sound and started to run. It was a frightening experience for Christopher and an unusual thing for a single human to tackle…Christopher was not ready to give up his life.

Running To Safety