Things Getting Stranger
Even with a little suspicion still in place, Christopher let Mr. Rudall in, and after some agreement, they both decided to head over to the entrance of the underground shaft. They carefully made their way through the dense bushes and trees that lined the pathway. The green path was all cool until the skies started to get dark, indicating an impending storm. Certainly, this was not the place Christopher or anyone for that matter would want to be in such weather. They were quite far from the shelter, and that wasn’t safe.

Things Getting Stranger
Being Cautious
After a long trek, the men reached the entrance of the mine and, once again decided to go deeper into the darkness that lay in lying in waiting. They were soon walking and touching along the walls that Christopher first discovered the glistening substance on. As they moved along, Mr.Rudall started explaining what the substance was and gave Christopher a clear idea. As the words came together, Christopher realized new details were being unfolded about the mine on his newly purchased property.

Being Cautious