Boiled Potatoes
It is widely known that potatoes contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, which is why they are often avoided by those who are trying to lose weight or reduce their calorie consumption. However, this is a fallacy, and it may even be beneficial in the context of weight management and reduction efforts. The calories provided by resistant starch, which delivers four calories per gram of potato, are a significant improvement above the calories provided by normal starch. Potatoes include a high concentration of vitamins, fiber, and resistant starch (which is one calorie per gram).

Boiled Potatoes
The eggplant, which is really a kind of squash, is one of the most underestimated low-calorie vegetables available. It is sufficient to prepare a single baking dish that does not include any oil. And the greatest thing is that each serving has just 24 calories. Antioxidants, such as those present in eggplants, are beneficial to the body’s overall health. This diet also contains the vitamins B6, C, and K, as well as niacin, phosphorus, manganese, and thiamine, among other nutrients. Fiber is used as a last ingredient since it is advantageous to intestinal function.
