Cottage Cheese
Despite the fact that cheese is a dairy product, it does not contribute to weight gain. Only cottage cheese comes close to the genuine thing in terms of flavor, calorie and fat content, and overall nutritional value. Additionally, this cuisine contains a range of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, and selenium, to name a few. Its satiating properties are identical to those of eggs, therefore it will keep you feeling fuller for a longer amount of time than eggs alone.

Cottage Cheese
Oranges are the world’s most commonly eaten vitamin C source. A medium-sized orange has just 80 calories, which is a very low calorie count. Because it is juicy and delicious, you may use it to create a smoothie or eat it as a snack. Citrus fruits may also aid in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels in the bloodstream, according to recent study findings. Because oranges have a high concentration of Vitamin C, they are particularly good for strengthening your immune system’s performance and resistance.
