Mesmerizing Drone Photos That Will Blow Your Mind

Published on 04/14/2021

Roads In The Desert

When one thinks of Dubai, we tend to think of camels, deserts, or of the majestic skyscrapers that now dot the desert land. Dubai is one of the cleanest cities in the world but it’s incredibly hot and many of the residents are exceptionally well to do, driving luxury cars, with amazing homes and exotic pets. It is easily forgotten that the UAE is surrounded by desert and this image by WhoSane shows us how the desert is slowly claiming back what belongs to nature. Dubai is often plagued by sand storms and in general just having sand everywhere in the desert after all. We just hope that the person in the white car made it through all that sand and safely to their destination.

Roads In The Desert

Roads In The Desert


Brighton Pier

England may be known for its cold and rainy weather with grey skies even in the summer months. It does have London with Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, and The Big Ben, but England has other views to offer. There’s are some exceptionally beautiful seaside landscapes that are often ignored by tourists who are more interested in the well-marketed attractions. This drone shot taken in Brighton shows us that there’s so much more to see and it shows the humble Brighton Pier at an angle that we have never seen before

Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier