As hilarious, strange, and infuriating as this story is, we have to say that we felt quite a bit sorry for this misguided woman at the end of it all. There was so much strange and alarming detail to her demands and her constant Facebook updates and justifications showed the insides of a mind that might need some therapy. Some people expect far too much from those around them, and try to build a cult for themselves made out of friends and family. We cannot help but wonder how the big Hawaiian day turns out in the end…

Self Unaware
Sunny Days
Let us be clear: we never wanted the couple to be anything but happy on their wedding day, despite how hard they had made it for everyone to feel the same way. If the wedding does end up working out when the big day finally comes around, we just hope that the bride-to-be will revoke all her ludicrous demands, apologize for going too far and for offending her guests. Only time will tell how this wedding pans out…

Sunny Days