She Would Do Something Unforgivable To Her Future Daughter-In-Law

Published on 04/12/2021

Divine Inspiration

The Bridezilla decided that she needed to rationalize her bizarre dress code with a spiritually charged explanation. The colors all had magical properties, she wrote, explaining that the color black was supposed to signify Satan, who was meant to be expelled from the wedding and their lives. You might remember that the color black was reserved for the weightier guests, making them the devil. If the bride thought that her spiritual revelations would strengthen her case, it only demonized her further.

Divine Inspiration

Divine Inspiration


The Brazen Bridezilla

The bride-to-be assumed that her spiritual revelation would appease all her ‘followers’, but it only turned them into an angry mob. Not only had she conventionally fat-shamed many of her guests, but she had also added a cooky spin to it that made things sound even worse. Curvier folks are not the devil, we are happy to say, and maybe she should have searched her head for horns. But there would be more new age madness to come…

The Brazen Bridezilla

The Brazen Bridezilla